active bond — ➔ bond * * * active bond UK US noun [C] STOCK MARKET ► a bond that is traded regularly, especially on the New York Stock Exchange … Financial and business terms
Active Bond — A bond or other fixed income security that is frequently traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Active bond orders are typically filled quickly due to the presence of higher demand from investors and generally have lower bid ask spreads. Active… … Investment dictionary
Active Bond Crowd — The name given to members of the NYSE and their specific bond trading departments that are acknowledged as frequent traders in active bonds. The active bond crowd creates liquidity and can affect the price of bonds traded on the market because… … Investment dictionary
active bond — A bond which bears interest from its date at a fixed rate … Ballentine's law dictionary
active bond — noun Britain : a bond bearing a fixed rate of interest from date of issue … Useful english dictionary
active bond crowd — Refers to members of the bond department of the NYSE who trade the most bonds. Antithesis of cabinet crowd. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
bond — payment by a tenant to a landlord before the tenant takes over the premises and from which the landlord may be able to deduct arrears of rent or the cost of rectifying damage. Glossary of Business Terms (1) A debt security. Sometimes used only in … Financial and business terms
Bond — Bonds are debt and are issued for a period of more than one year. The U.S. government, local governments, water districts, companies and many other types of institutions sell bonds. When an investor buys bonds, he or she is lending money. The… … Financial and business terms
Bond Crowd — A slang term used to describe members of the stock exchange that transact bond orders from the floor of the exchange. The label “bond crowd” differentiates them from the members of the exchange who trade stocks. The bond crowd… … Investment dictionary
Bond insurance — (also known as financial guaranty insurance ) is a type of insurance whereby an insurance company guarantees scheduled payments of interest and principal on a bond or other security in the event of a payment default by the issuer of the bond or… … Wikipedia
Active Directory — (AD) est la mise en œuvre par Microsoft des services d annuaire LDAP pour les systèmes d exploitation Windows. L objectif principal d Active Directory est de fournir des services centralisés d identification et d authentification à un réseau d… … Wikipédia en Français